Maintaining the security of your car at home is easy when you follow some basic security steps, including taking simple measures like always removing the key from the ignition and keeping valuables hidden when parking on the street or outside your home.
Consider adding extra layers of protection such as a steering wheel lock to stop thieves from easily driving off with your vehicle.
Lock It Up
The first tip should be fairly obvious. Departing with your car unlocked is an inviting way for thieves to gain entry. Form the habit of always locking it before driving off, even if only for a brief period such as picking up something at home before heading out the door.
Keep the windows up unless you intend on coming back quickly; even leaving an inch-open window allows thieves to break in and take whatever valuables may be hidden there.
Install a Stoplock on the steering wheel that’s difficult for anyone else to remove, as well as one with tracking capabilities to monitor its location should it get stolen. A Tracker would allow you to keep an eye on its progress should it get taken from its current location.
Keep It Well-Lit
At nighttime, thieves often plan their attacks against vehicles that are poorly-lit; therefore making sure yours is well-lit could be an invaluable deterrent against theft and sales of the stolen car. One simple way of doing this is etching your last seven digits onto the rear window or mirrors – police can then use this information when tracking down vehicles that have been sold on.
Also, parking your car in an illuminated area is another effective way of protecting it. Parking on busy streets or near shopping centre entrances increases visibility and may help deter criminals.
Never leave your vehicle without locking the doors and windows securely every time, even for brief visits. Even for fleet drivers leaving for short periods of time, thieves only require seconds to gain entry and take what they can from inside. Furthermore, remove all satellite navigation devices as these are highly sought-after by thieves.
Etch the Windows
Etching your vehicle identification number onto your windows deters thieves by making car theft more challenging, and helps police identify recovered cars and prosecute offenders. DIY VIN etching kits can be purchased online for as little as $15; typically these include an adhesive plastic stencil with 17-digit VIN numbers printed onto it and bottle of etching liquid.
Professional car thieves look out for security features such as alarms and window etching. If they encounter a car that features these security measures, such as alarms or window etching, they’re more likely to look elsewhere for an easier target; window etching also prevents copycat thefts or the sale of stolen cars.
Etching your vehicle’s identification number onto mirrors, windshields or other glass is so effective at deterring theft that many top auto insurance providers ask about this practice when applying for car insurance quotes – potentially saving you lots of money throughout its lifespan!
Keep Your Valuables Hidden
If you have valuable items in your vehicle, try to hide them somewhere that won’t be seen. An empty tin or box inside your home could provide the ideal hiding place – just be sure that its surface can be washed clean so thieves won’t see inside!
Before leaving your house, remember to take a few extra precautions – like taking out your keys from the ignition and closing all windows – in order to prevent an accidental start up that could result in theft.
Snapping photos of your registration and insurance card can help ensure you act swiftly if your car gets stolen, whether that means using an app on your phone to locate it or calling the police. Installing window warning stickers could deter thieves from targeting it in the first place; there is a wide range of products online available as solutions.

James focuses on global climate policies, advocating for sustainable solutions and environmental resilience.