Author name: James Whitaker

James focuses on global climate policies, advocating for sustainable solutions and environmental resilience.

global warming

Global Warming Over The Years

Global warming is an unusually fast increase in Earth’s global average surface temperature over the last century mainly due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions released from humans burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Earth has seen major climate change before without human help from its climate system. It is estimated that about 100

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global warming

Global Warming Issues

Global warming is the scientific term given to the warming of the planet due to increased atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuels have been the primary source of fuel for all human activities. Climate change is the natural result of increasing concentrations of

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Merchant city Indian restaurants

A Feast For The Island President! Visiting Merchant City Indian Restaurants

In the latest travels of the Island president we visited Glasgow , Scotland as part of a trip to a series of conferences dotted across Europe. Here we discovered the fantastic merchant city nestled in the heart of the city centre. In this article we will discuss the brilliant merchant city Indian restaurants we tried.

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Jon Shenk: “President Nasheed is a true David to the climate change Goliath”

Filmmaker Jon Shenk’s body of work reflects the personality of a man who is really engaging with the world around him, fighting for human rights issues and an end to all suffering. His latest doc, The Island President, adds climate change to that list. DocGeeks talks to the director about his Sundance award winning film

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