The Island President placed such a huge emphasis on his people on the island having an excellent diet which allowed them to take their physical performance in competitive settings go to the next level. The Island Championship is obviously still such a vital component of life on the island as people have always got the competition on their minds to an extent as they seek to better the performance of their previous islanders.
Championship Performance
It is regarded as so important on the island that the islanders perform well in the islander championship. The entire year-round is focussed entirely on the islanders performing well when the championship comes around. So many people on the island have jobs which are devoted entirely to people being at their peak physical power before the annual event. We spoke with numerous women on the island who’s jobs entirely focus on providing their athletes with the best platform possible which they can bounce onto success from.
Speaking with Annie, who was a sensational croquet player for the island in past championships she has now had her position within the island altered significantly. She now focusses entirely on providing excellent food for the islanders to use to take their dietary plan to the next level ensuring that they are able to have their bodies in the best physical shape possible to develop themselves suitably to the next level. Annie said “I’m not silly you know. My best days as an athlete are long behind me, I feel I served the island really well but now I need to use my passion and energy for our great island in other ways.”
Early Rises
Annie continued by speaking about the levels of commitment which are required to make sure the dietary requirements of the athletes are met. “Some of the athletes are so fussy. I need to wake up at 4am to catch a specific type of fish which only comes near the shore at that time during the night. They are regarded as lucky fish by so many of our athletes and I think a huge part of that is because past winners used to place such emphasis on eating this type of fish”. It has now clearly become a symbol for the island that if this fish is not eaten then superstitions can be impacted drastically for the athletes.
Cog In The Winning Wheel
Another one of the workers who was hugely influential with regards to the success of the islanders in the Championship was Marge. Marge said “I’m one of the soccer coaches on the island. I place such huge emphasis on ensuring our islanders have a superior level of fitness to anyone that they come up against. I just see myself as a cog in the winning wheel, it’s great to be a part of this and to instruct a really motivated great squad. Every single one of them is a born winner and they wont settle for anything other than first place. Which is all anyone can ever ask for really.

James focuses on global climate policies, advocating for sustainable solutions and environmental resilience.