Thanks to the massive success of The Island President movie, there has been an enormous surge in the increase of people who are interested in flocking to the island and improving the tourism rates of the country. This has had an enormous impact on the island’s economy. In ancient times, the islanders never came into any contact whatsoever with people from outwith the island. There was one researcher who visited in the early 1920’s who visited the island before returning to the mainland and giving an artist a description of how they appeared so people could get an idea of what the islanders looked like.
On the island, the elders in modern times speak about the stories they heard from their past elders about the man who turned up on the island one day and engaged with a couple of locals and did not harm them. It is believed that this filtered through the entire island and they all became much more welcoming towards the prospect of allowing people from the mainland to their island and potentially make their island a limited tourist attraction. Limited because there is no way the island could survive by becoming overflowed with tourists who would saturate the island to the point that they would run out of resources which would hugely affect the quality of life enjoyed by islanders from then on due to diminishing resources on the island.
The typical appeal for any city encouraging tourists to come to their city or country is for the monetary benefit which comes with this influx of tourists. There can be no question that in normal society money is unquestionably what makes the world go around and councils are constantly aiming to increase their influx of money into their community. However, on the island there is no currency. Money has absolutely no value on the island whatsoever and there is only one commodity which the islanders trade in. Rice. People visiting the island are encouraged to bring rice to be able to trade with islanders for various meals. Rice cannot grow on the island due to climate issues which has seriously impacted the islander’s diets. The importance of carbohydrates cannot be understated and these people being forced to go without has had a very negative impact on things.
Negative Impact
Carbohydrates play a crucial role in humans’ daily activities, from exercising to simply going to work on a daily basis. They fuel us to be motivated and energetic enough to work to the best of our abilities throughout the day. It can be hugely influential regarding the quality of someone’s performance and output whether they have had carbohydrates or not. If people don’t have the optimal amount required for them to then take their performance levels to the maximum level they are capable of this can negatively impact the quantity of produce which is generated on the island which can have a serious impact on the quality of healthy lifestyles which are enjoyed by the islands residents.

James focuses on global climate policies, advocating for sustainable solutions and environmental resilience.