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A heat exchanger, also known as a heat exchange, is a series of tubes or chambers that are usually made from metal. …
Global warming is an unusually fast increase in Earth’s global average surface temperature over the last century mainly due to human-caused greenhouse …
The effects of global warming are increasing faster than we know what to do. With the water levels rising, many island residents …
Social media has many great benefits for businesses of all types. You can connect with the five billion active social media users …
If you’re anything like us, you are probably obsessed with all things social media related. Whether it is connecting with friends, engaging …
"Shenk employs the sounds of Radiohead to wistful effect as his camera sweeps high over a paradise that genuinely looks like it’s on its last legs"
Time Out
"Ex-Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed comes across in this documentary as a kind of climate-change Prospero"
The Guardian
"A fascinating insight into the disparity between rich and poor, and powerful nations and their less muscle-flexing neighbours."
Empire Magazine
"Nasheed may be a small fish in a big geopolitical pond, but his enterprise and optimism are a welcome complement to eco doc doom and gloom."
otal Film
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